Friday 11 October 2013


I've just been to the GP at lunch time and left quite confused. I have reiterated to her again and again that I have no idea as to what to do with pre-natal care or doctors to see and generally what to do. It's my first pregnancy and I have no idea what should be going on. She has left little guidance as to what should be going on. And that guidance was only because I prodded her with questions that were luckily the right ones to ask. Only then I got a referral to an obstetrician! She didn't even discuss the results from the scan without me checking if she has received it. She also keeps on saying my TSH levels are too high without telling me what the normal range is for pregnancy! She only told me when I was clearly baffled.
I only gotten some advice afterwards when I expressed my concern to the receptionist that I don't know what I should be doing.
This just left me frustrated. Hopefully I will get a better bout with the obstetrician.

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